Please help (if you can) (UPDATED)


In my years of doing this show Iv never asked for anything from you, never even put a donate button on. I do the show and get the meager ad revenue. I finally have a request because Omega (my wife) is in a serious bind right now and needs money. She feels even more strongly against donation buttons than I do but its got so serious that she added one to her site.

This is connected to us being together. We’ve lived apart for literally years (and been married and living apart for 18 months). We’ve had every chance that appeared pulled out from under us and it might happen again.

Please, if you have got any joy or happiness from the stupid crap I make for the internet could you throw a couple of dollars her way. We’d both appreciate it more than you can know.

Thanks for reading


PS: If you cant give anything then just watch a few of her videos and bump up the ad rev a bit.

UPDATE= Omega has removed the button and in her own words the crisis ‘has passed’. Thank you to everyone who donated or watched vids. Please feel free to keep watching them!


  1. I will begin another binge session immediately.

  2. How much is a watch worth?
    It’s a hassle for me to donate, but I want to know if it helps more than having my computer on all day running a omega-thon

    • Changes from day to day but cents per view. At best.

      • Then I’ll deal with the hassle and donate. Hopefully it’ll help!

  3. Donated. The joy I get from this crap IS well worth it and more.

  4. Just signal boosted it on the tumblr a bit. Wish I could do more. Much more.

  5. Donated, best I could do. I hope it helps!

  6. Donated the bit I had left over on my paypal account after a purchase last month. I know how it feels to be away from a loved person in times of crisis and I agree with the others, your work is worth it! Best of Luck!

  7. I can spare a fiver.

  8. Many people donated and the crisis has passed so I removed the Donate button. Thank you so much everyone who was able to help, even if it was just watching a few old videos…it’s now my responsibility to pay it forward in any way I can.

  9. Pay it forward by being happy. I like you two (Yes you two, I discovered Omega before I knew you were an item) and in the end you have helped me a lot more than you know with your humor and interesting videos.

  10. I’m relieved to read the up date I have spent the day emersed in lesbian talk from 9:00am and I am just as entertained on repeated lissernings.

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