A Quick Guide to Classic Who- Season 22

Hagan is doing a guide to Classic Doctor Who. The whole thing! This is Season 22.

Backseat Critique- The Purge: Anarchy

Robyns back for the weekend and movies are afoot.

Backseat Critique- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Robyn the Minion returned for a weekend. We saw some movies.

Flubs- The Passion of the Christ

A collection of Flubs, bloopers, behind the scenes footage and alternate takes from The Passion review.

Podcasts- Lesbian Talk episode65 (I Believe in Dungiven Castle)

Me and Omega have ourselves a podcast! And we talk about… BroCon. We also have a semi-regular feature where we discuss a Classic Doctor Who story. This time- Dalek.

Special Review- The Passion of the Christ

If The Passion review is blocked click here!

The BroCon 2014 special- THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST! (Puts up shields and expects angry comments)

Cosplay- DerKorks unintentionally bad Hagan cosplay

DerKorks unintentionally bad Hagan cosplay

Cameos- Smartys Chronotrigger review

I antagonize Smarty and Marzgurl as they review Chronotrigger!

Vlog- BroCon 2014

I did a short vlog at the end of each night at BroCon detailing what went on.

Nanoview- Cthulhu

A quick review of Cthulu (the gay Lovecraft movie!)