Renegade Cunt- Mad Max: The 3 Faces of Fury Road

So how did Fury Road maybe nearly look?

Panel: Alcon 2015

Me, Filmbrain, Omega and SofieLiv (from The Agony Booth) answer all sorts of questions about reviews and reviewing.

Cameos- Rangoon Riffs: Habit Patterns

I appear as the voice of… something… and I talk very fast.

Cameos- Indy Christian Review: Seasons of Grey

I appear in a prophetic dream.. foreshadowing? His 100th episode is on the way..

Mondo Baltimore Pity Party 2013

In 2013 Omega and Hagan went to Mondo Baltimores Pity Party (a film festival) and came back with a handful of vids featuring QnAs, Interviews and whatnot. The Dramatisation was by Count Jackula and The Horror Guru.

The vids include interviews with film-maker Drew Baldoc, Drag Queen Babette Bombshell and horror hosts Dr. Acula and Ghoulinda. Question and Answers with Drew Baldoc and some people involved in the making of Return to Nuke iem High.

Renegade Cunt- Police Academy: The Spirits of Justice

The latest of my random essay-type vids, this ones about The Blue Oyster.

Flubs- Merlin the Return

A collection of flubs, bloopers, alternate takes and behind the scenes bits from the Merlin the Return review.

Lesbian Talk #98: Art Hangover and Zygons

This week, patron Josh Oddities joins us to talk Halloween in Derry, higher art pursuits, the nitty-gritty of American Horror Story and then, the…um, unfortunate topical implications of this week’s episode of Doctor Who, The Zygon Invasion.

Backseat critique- The Martian

Omega dragged Hagan to see the Martian. Much Matt Daaaamon was to be had.

Cameos/ Crossover- Aleister and Conspiracy Guy

Mikey Insanity recently found this footage taken during the filming of Project Million yeeeears ago. I have no idea why this happened but it totally did!