I am quoted in an article (as though I’m an authority on anything)

International Women’s Day: Men feel left out.

It is International Women’s Day on Tuesday and men are asking if there is any day earmarked for them at all? Men around the planet are left wondering why there is a day marked exclusively for women and not one for men. Every year on March 8, the International Women’s Day, men across the globe wonder why is there no men’s day, to the extent that Twitterati has now rechristened the global event to “’International telling people when International Men’s Day is” Day, according to one user Diamanda Hagan.

Another user @williambr0wn felt as much when he said, “Happy international “where’s international men’s day” to all the international men out there today.” Taking in stride the stereotype that men usually forget everything, user Sameer L said, “There was supposed to be a #Men’sDay also but not surprisingly we forgot the date.#HappyWomensDay.”

User Abhishek Mishra echoed the statement, saying, “Today, the world is celebrating #InternationalWomen’sDay but at the time of men’s day, no one will wish it. Not even men will remember that it’s men’s day.”

Some even went to the extent of invoking JNU student leader Kanhaiya Kumar to fight against this “partiality”. Kumar Amritansh said, “I urge Kanhaiya Kumar to fight for #MensDay! Enough of this partiality, hum leke rahenge (we will not rest till we get it) #MensDay. #InternationalWomensDay.”

Men across the planet felt they had been dealt a rough deal. They fought on the micro blogging website against no men’s day and felt that women being first among equals is a wrong notion. User Rogue George refused to partake in the global event altogether. “I will not celebrate International Women’s’ Day until we (men) also have an International Men’s Day. That would be true equality,” he said.

They tried to console themselves as they remained hopeful of one day getting an entire day dedicated to their gender. User Tom Hidvegi said, “Happy International #WomensDay2016. One day we might celebrate an International #Men’sDay,” while user Selvam said that men do not celebrate themselves with as much pomp and show as they are simple creatures. “Men are an example of simplicity because we never celebrate Men’s day,” he said.


Hagan Soundtrack Album!

The first official Hagan soundtrack album has been released! And the digital download costs the lowlowlow price of 50 cents! (otherwise known as about 30p in real money or 0.00005 somethings in mighty Haganistan money!)

Look at that FUCKING COVER! (Done by the title card genius Haganista (http://haganista.deviantart.com/gallery/)

It features:

1, The Vaults of Extoth cover of Lecher Bitch (last heard in the Left Behind 3 review)
2, The Vikings (Literally) from the Vikingdom review with Happy Viking.
3, The death metal cover of The Greatest American Hero theme (AKA the Cinema Snob theme) from the Myra Breckinridge review.
4, The FolkBrain theme )Filmbrains theme done as a Gregorian chant) from the Merlin the Return review.
5, He’s Alive (Death metal cover of the Evangelical ‘classic’) as heard in the Megiddo (Omega Code 2) review.
6, Immortan Jack as Fury Road-ish end credits music that debuted in the Death Games review.
7, India, Fuck Yeah!, a take off of America fuck yeah, as heard in the Vijayendra Varma review.
8, The Winds of Haganistan (in D Minor), a keyboard instrumental outro (sometimes heard over the end credits).

BUY IT HERE—> https://vaultsofextoth.bandcamp.com/album/anthems-of-haganistan-vol-1


Diamanda Hagan themed Tshirts and whatnot, now for sale! Here are some of my faves!





Ilsa uncensored through Patreon

Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS has joined the growing legion of uncensored episodes of Hagan Reviews, it and the others is now available for $5 and up Patrons at http://patreon.diamandahagan.com/

If you want to become a Patron check out- https://www.patreon.com/Diamandahagan

Other uncensored episodes include: Starrbooty, Schizophreniac the Whore Mangler, Necromaniac, Naked Killer, Bad Biology, Confessions of a Trickbaby, Emmanuelle 4, Emmanuelle 5, The Perils of Gwendoline, Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy and Stonewall and Riot.

If you are a Patron, please feel free to suggest the next ep I should uncensor for your viewing ‘pleasure’!

The Danger of watching Hagan Reviews (Without becoming a Patron)

The Danger of watching Hagan Reviews (Without becoming a Patron). Video might be tongue in cheek. A bit.


Starrbooty Uncensored!

Starrbooty has joined the growing legion of uncensored episodes of Hagan Reviews, it and the others is now available for $5 and up Patrons at http://patreon.diamandahagan.com/

If you want to become a Patron check out- https://www.patreon.com/Diamandahagan

Other uncensored episodes include: Schizophreniac the Whore Mangler, Necromaniac, Naked Killer, Bad Biology, Confessions of a Trickbaby, Emmanuelle 4, Emmanuelle 5, The Perils of Gwendoline, Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy and Stonewall and Riot.

If you are a Patron, please feel free to suggest the next ep I should uncensor for your viewing ‘pleasure’!

List of blackbox-free eps available for $5 and up Patrons.

Just leaving this list of episodes that Iv uncensored for Patrons who donate more than $5 through the Patreon. I’ll try to leave Patreon updates here more often in future.

Stonewall and Riot, Emmanuelle 4, Confessions of a Trickbaby, Naked Killer, The Perils of Gwendoline, Maniac Nurses find Ecstasy, Emmanuelle 5 and Schizophreniac the Whore Mangler! (New eps added every so often!)

If you are interested in becoming a Patron and (at the very least) getting early access to all the vids I do go to https://www.patreon.com/diamandahagan

The White Boxes (2)

How many of you are getting them rather than the video embed? Because if you are on chrome* just click the shield on the URL and press ‘load unsafe scripts’ to fix it.

How to fix the white boxes

Unsafe in this case isn’t actually unsafe, its no more unsafe than Blip itself. Its all just a disagreement between WordPress and Blip (or something). I’m a luddite when it comes to this stuff, if any of you are also luddites I hope this helped you out.

*If you use firefox there should be a similar symbol on the left side of the URL with similar effects.


More precisely THE WHITE BOXES (Where videos should be)..

WordPress know about the issue and their working on it. Its an issue that doesnt just affect me and doesnt just affect Blip embeds. Until its fixed Id suggest you check my blip directly here.

I’ll also add a hyperlink to any new eps uploaded until the issue is fixed.

Please help (if you can) (UPDATED)


In my years of doing this show Iv never asked for anything from you, never even put a donate button on. I do the show and get the meager ad revenue. I finally have a request because Omega (my wife) is in a serious bind right now and needs money. She feels even more strongly against donation buttons than I do but its got so serious that she added one to her site. http://www.theomegageek.com/

This is connected to us being together. We’ve lived apart for literally years (and been married and living apart for 18 months). We’ve had every chance that appeared pulled out from under us and it might happen again.

Please, if you have got any joy or happiness from the stupid crap I make for the internet could you throw a couple of dollars her way. We’d both appreciate it more than you can know.

Thanks for reading


PS: If you cant give anything then just watch a few of her videos and bump up the ad rev a bit.

UPDATE= Omega has removed the button and in her own words the crisis ‘has passed’. Thank you to everyone who donated or watched vids. Please feel free to keep watching them!