Podcasts- Lesbian Talk episode59 (Space Carnies)

Me and Omega have ourselves a podcast! And we talk about… Lesbian stuff like geek gateways. We also have a semi-regular feature where we discuss a Classic Doctor Who serial. This time- Carnival of Monsters.

Quicksilvers account.

Cameos- JeshNyx’s Before the Feature: Malificent

I appear in Jeshnyx’s newest video.

Flubs- Rock and Rule

A collection of Flubs, bloopers, behind the scenes footage and alternate takes from the Rock and Rule review.

05 10 Rock and Rule review

The invasion is about to begin and Hagan has a movie to review.. (review starts about 10 minutes in)

If the Rock and Rule review has been blocked in your country TRY HERE!

Cameos- Cinema Snobs Drive review

I should appear every time the Snob reviews the sort of thing I review. The movies about a mad, castrating drag queen in a gay porno. How could I have not heard of this film!?

Podcasts- Lesbian Talk episode58 (Metaphorical Food Poisoning)

Me and Omega have ourselves a podcast! And we talk about… Lesbian stuff like social justice. We also have a semi-regular feature where we discuss a Classic Doctor Who serial. This time- Tomb of the Cybermen.

Quicksilvers account.

Backseat Critique- X-Men Days of Future Past

Hagan and Robyn (in blur-o-vision) saw Days of Future Past (And First Class.. it was a double feature) AND TALKED ALL THINGS X-MEN.

Please help (if you can) (UPDATED)


In my years of doing this show Iv never asked for anything from you, never even put a donate button on. I do the show and get the meager ad revenue. I finally have a request because Omega (my wife) is in a serious bind right now and needs money. She feels even more strongly against donation buttons than I do but its got so serious that she added one to her site. http://www.theomegageek.com/

This is connected to us being together. We’ve lived apart for literally years (and been married and living apart for 18 months). We’ve had every chance that appeared pulled out from under us and it might happen again.

Please, if you have got any joy or happiness from the stupid crap I make for the internet could you throw a couple of dollars her way. We’d both appreciate it more than you can know.

Thanks for reading


PS: If you cant give anything then just watch a few of her videos and bump up the ad rev a bit.

UPDATE= Omega has removed the button and in her own words the crisis ‘has passed’. Thank you to everyone who donated or watched vids. Please feel free to keep watching them!

Backseat Critique- Godzilla 2014

Hagan and The Avatar of Decent Humour forgo the car and sit instead on a sofa to talk about the new Godzilla.

Commentary- Dominion, Prequel to the Exorcist


Hagan and Teddy watched the Exorcist prequels double review. Occasionally they talked about the film and or review.

And other people might turn up too.